Twisting and Turning!

The view from Mt Nebo.

It was a very twisty and turny ride to Mt Nebo. There are very cool pink and purple rocks on the side of the road. 

The twisty road.

 Mt Nebo is the mountain that Moses from the Bible climbed to see the Promised Land before he died. (Deuteronomy 34:1-5) 

  At Mt Nebo, some Nigerians from an Anglican Church Tour, were there also. They were singing and praying loudly- it was very nice to watch. 

 I will not forget the cross. It was made of iron, and it is in the shape of Moses’ staff that turned into a snake. (Jonh 3:14-15) 

It was quite amazing seeing what Moses would have seen (though a bit different over time as the site is thousands of years old). 

We went to the church on the mountain. It had beautiful mosaics on the floors and walls. The mosaics were made out of rocks to make up beautiful pictures.  

 There was also a giant round rock, a door, like the one that covered Jesus’ tomb. This door was from an ancient monastery that sat on Mt Nebo.

  Before we knew it, we were twisting and turning home!  It is cool to visit place’s from the Bible.

Here is some information we photographed for your interest:


Petra and Wadi Rum


Stumblings in a Supermarket