Wadi Rum, Round 2 

Our shadows in the desert.

Recently, we went to Wadi Rum for a second time with some of our guests. Since it was cooler this time there were a lot more people in Khaled’s camp. There were some benefits to that though. Like we did not have to eat all the food in the hall by ourselves and we got to sleep outside under the stars. The stars and the moon were both very beautiful. The next day we saw footprints of the animals that were circling around our mattress’. There were lots of planes above us and wild dogs that kept us awake most of the night. 

Sleeping outside in the desert. Photo Credit: John Loudon

A good photo halfway through a rocky hike.

A photo of Jenelle on the tallest mountain.

 The day before that we also climbed the tallest mountain in Jordan, which was in Wadi Rum, and it was very rocky and tiring. We got to go on top of the jeep a lot as well. Lunch was at 4:30pm and dinner at 8:30pm, which was late for us. We had a wonderful time there. 

On the drive home we got to go to Shobak Castle, Karak Castle, and the Dead Sea in that order. While Shobak Castle and Karak Castle are both ginormous and have really cool underground passageways, Karak is way more famous because some lords lived there once upon a time. I liked exploring all the rooms and climbing up and down all the staircases. The Dead Sea sounds amazing, but the salt water got into every single little scratch on my legs and on my face and it felt like my face was on FIRE!!! I am still glad I did it though...  

If you ever come to Jordan, I would recommend that you do Wadi Rum. It is packed with fun, and you will definitely have a wonderful time. 

Tunnels under Karak Castle

Floating in the Dead Sea


A Taste of Things


Elusive Rhythm